


Six Colors to Choose From

About the PW-130 Series  (Invented October 19, 2019)

After several prototypes were developed, the first article entered manufacturing, producing over one hundred units.  Profits were fed back into R&D for further refinement.



 Red Oak ​

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The Tinker Room is a place where ideas come to life.  We evaluate every idea in a brainstorming session for marketing viability prior to first article development, giving our employees the opportunity to tap into their creativity which in turn fosters personal growth - a win-win for everyone !

Features & Applications:

Take still photos

 Use for video chat

 Great for watching videos

 Soft rubber feet for a strong grip

 This model holds two smartphones

 Holds more than one object simultaneously

 Holding stationary items such as clipboards

​​​ Over 90% environmentally friendly materials

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