Welcome !
Electrosense Engineering offers best practices electrical assembly services in the electronics industry. We also offer distribution of connectivity options such as wire harnesses and components.
Electrosense Engineering is also an Invention and R&D company. We do tons of brainstorming, constantly thinking of new ideas, new ways of improving processes, and actually turning ideas into tangible products that sell.
We are very proud of our products and services. We are also very passionate about building quality into every step of our production process, and we place a great deal of emphasis on good design.
We back our products with exceptional customer service, and we listen closely to the needs of customers, always striving to exceed their expectations. We believe that every item we sell enhances our relationship with each and every customer.
We hope this message has struck a chord. Choose Electrosense Engineering. In the long run, it only makes ~ Sense.
I m a g e s a r e r e p r e s e n t a t i v e o n l y
E l e c t r o s e n s e E n g i n e e r i n g